About us


Welcome to the new website of the Doctoral School of Architecture!

The BME Doctoral School of Architecture celebrated its quarter-century anniversary last year. An important period has come to an end, as a result of which nearly 180 architects obtained their degrees. Among them there were the most influential architectural professors and creators of the second half of the 20th century and the years following the turn of the millennium, such as József Kerényi, Ferenc Török, Gábor Turányi, Lajos Zalaváry, Imre Makovecz, József Finta. The first twenty-five years were commemorated with the publication of a Thesis Book, which includes a summary of the school’s brief history and fifty written works.

Looking back is important, but paying attention to the present and the future is even more essential. We are entering a new era, and the shift is necessary not only because of the jubilee, but also due to the large-scale changes taking place in culture and the natural environment. We are seeing the impact of the pandemic on communities and the emergence of artificial intelligence with serious implications for all aspects of life, including education and the scientific world. In this situation, a community of an art doctoral school such as ours, which considers the training of architects receptive to culture and committed to a sensitive balance between the natural and the built world to be its most important task, has an increased responsibility. We are privileged to work in the high-quality academic environment of the BUTE vagy BME, because this intellectual environment allows us to experience the benefits of direct dialogue between the practitioners of science and art. Perhaps that is why we believe that the relationship between science and art – especially architecture as a cultural phenomenon interwoven by the sciences – will take on a new meaning in the twenty-first century. With this in mind, we shape the school’s training program, accept and support individual research plans and, in this spirit, seek collaborations with other institutions and creators.

Budapest, 11.02.2024.

Mihály Balázs DLA professor
Kossuth Prize-winning architect
Head of the Doctoral School of Architecture
President of the Habilitation Board and Doctoral Council
Regular member of the HAA vagy MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts


Head of the Doctoral School of Architecture

Mihály Balázs DLA Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning university professor, regular member of the MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Head of the Doctoral School of Architecture, President of the HBDC vagy HBDT

Secretary of the Doctoral School

Anikó Karner
+36 30 091 90 87

Address of the Doctoral School

BUTE vagy BME Doctoral School of Architecture,
1111 Műegyetem rkp. 3, Building K, 1st floor 23.

Supervisors of the Doctoral School of Architecture,

György Alföldi DLA, professor with habilitation

Mihály Balázs DLA, professor with habilitation, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning university professor, regular member of the HAA vagy MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

István Bartók DLA, associate professor

Zsófia Dankó DLA, assistant professor

Andrea Dúll PhD DSc professor with habilitation

Gábor Fábián DLA, assistant professor

Balázs Falvai DLA, assistant professor

Katalin Fazekas DLA, assistant professor

Péter Fejérdy DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Tamás Fenes DLA, assistant professor

Miklós Jancsó DLA, associate professor

Balázs Kemes DLA, assistant professor

Péter Klobusovszki DLA, associate professor

Péter Kronavetter DLA, assistant professor

György Major DLA, associate professor

Csaba Molnár DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Márton Nagy DLA, associate professor, head of department

Iván Nagy DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Tamás Perényi DLA, associate professor

Ferenc Répás DLA, associate professor with habilitation

Zoltán Schrammel DLA, assistant professor

Krisztina Somogyi PhD, associate professor (SZIE MK)

Péter Sugár DLA, professor with habilitation, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Levente Szabó DLA, professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Tamás Szentirmai DLA, associate professor, head of department (DEMK)

Rita Terbe DLA, assistant professor

Dávid Török DLA, associate professor

Miklós Vannay DLA, assistant professor

Zsolt Vasáros DLA, professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

László Vincze DLA, associate professor

Gábor Zombor DLA, assistant professor

Instructors of the Doctoral School of Architecture

Mihály Balázs DLA, Zoltán Bun PhD, Krisztina Somogyi PhD, Zorán Vukoszávlyev PhD, Andrea Dúll PhD DSc


Boards of the Doctoral School of Architecture

Regular members of the Doctoral School of Architecture

Mihály Balázs DLA, professor with habilitation, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning university professor, regular member of the MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Péter Sugár DLA, professor with habilitation, regular member of the SZALA vagy SZIMA vagy Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Levente Szabó DLA, professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Zsolt Vasáros DLA, professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Tamás Perényi DLA, associate professor, regular member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts, Ybl Prize-winning architect

György Major DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Iván Nagy DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Members of the Habilitation Board and Doctoral Council

Mihály Balázs DLA, president, university professor (BME), Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning architect, regular member of the MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Levente Szabó DLA, vice president, university professor (BME), head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

András Ferkai DSc, professor emeritus (MOME)

Tamás Getto DLA, university professor (MOME), Ybl Prize-winning architect

Péter Sugár DLA, university professor (BME), regular member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Zoltán Szegedy-Maszák DLA, university professor with habilitation (MKE) Munkácsy Mihály díjas művész

Márton Szentpéteri PhD, university professor (MOME)

Zsolt Vasáros DLA, university professor (BME), head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Gábor Zoboki DLA, university professor (PTE), Ybl Prize-winning architect

Antal Lázár DLA, professor emeritus, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning architect, with right of consultation

Sándor Pálfy DLA, professor emeritus, Ybl Prize-winning architect, with right of consultation

Ferenc Cságoly DLA, professor emeritus, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning architect, with right of consultation

Júlia Pokol doctoral student representative, with right of consultation


– Members of the Council of the Doctoral School

Mihály Balázs DLA, president, university professor, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning architect, regular member of the MMA, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

Antal Lázár DLA, professor emeritus, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning architect

Sándor Pálfy DLA, professor emeritus, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Péter Sugár DLA, university professor, regular member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Levente Szabó DLA, university professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Zsolt Vasáros DLA, university professor with habilitation, head of department, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Iván Nagy DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

László Vincze DLA, associate professor, Ybl Prize-winning architect

Júlia Pokol doctoral student representative, with right of consultation


The Art Council of the Doctoral School of Architecture

Ferenc Bán DLA, Kossuth and Ybl Prize-winning university professor, regular member of the MMA

Tamás Czigány DLA, associate professor (SZIE), Ybl Prize-winning architect

Hedvig Harmati DLA, university professor with habilitation (MOME), Ferenczy Noémi- Prize-winning craft artist

Balázs Marián DLA, associate professor (MOME), Ybl Prize-winning architect

Béla Pazár DLA, honorary university professor (BME), Ybl Prize-winning architect

János Sugár DLA, university professor (MKE), Munkácsy Prize-winning artist

Barnabás Winkler DLA, honorary university professor (BME), Ybl Prize-winning architect, regular member of the Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts

Zsolt Zsuffa DLA, Ybl Prize-winning architect


Working parties

working party on academic studies: Gábor Fábián, Péter Kronavetter, Dávid Török

working party on international relationships: István Bartók, Zoltán Schrammel, Árpád Szabó

working party on communication: Balázs Falvai, Krisztina Somogyi, Rita Terbe


The admission announcement is published in the news every year in May. The entrance exams are conducted at the end of June.

Current students

1st year students in the academic year 2022/2023

Györgyi Csanádi-Szikszay
Tamás Csépke
Imre Erdős
Balázs Hudy
Áron Laczka
Csaba Lázár
Soma Pongor

2nd year students in the academic year 2022/2023
Miklós Dormán
Bálint Gulyás
Péter Krompáczki
Zsolt Nedeczky
Lilla Starkbauer
Imre Ferenc Szűcs
Lívia Noémi Varga

3rd year students in the academic year 2022/2023

Zsófia Dombrovszky
Dénes Emil Ghyczy
Eszter Gulyás
Ádám Karlovecz
Péter Peitl
Zsolt Péteri
Enikő Sarolta Rab
Adél Laura Sághegyi
Lukács Szederkényi
Dóra Szuszik

4th year students in the academic year 2022/2023

Fruzsina Edina Barta
Noémi Gyárfás
Nóra Kőhalmy
Júlia Pokol
Balázs Rose
Ádám Salacz
Norbert Szilágyi
Márk Váncza
Sándor Jassó
Zoltán Galina

Students with Stipendium Hungaricum DLA Scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023

Valentian Fesenko
Zaklina Njezic
Solongo Batsaikhan
Mohamed Raslan
Munkh Erdene Togtokhbayar
Raina Matrouk
Amir Sirjani

Students of the DLA Doctoral School of Architecture receiving a pre-degree certificate

Orsolya Kern
Károly Lehel Kovács
Csilla Gabriella Öcsi
Anett Virág
Olívia Kurucz
Zoltán Major
Péter Müllner
Dániel Ritter
Gergely Sági
Dávid Józsa
Zugaibi Mai

Éva Bedecs-Varga
Zsuzsanna Benyovszky-Géczi
Ágnes Juhász
Dávid Kovács
Katalin Palicz

Mónika Bordás
Bettina Ónodi
László Radnóczi
Gergő Radnai
Bálint Rigó


Gabriella Hurták
Judit Soltész
András Beke
Péter Lassu


Balázs Biri
Giap Thi Minh Trang
Zsuzsa Ilyés-Fekete
Dóra Máthé
Judit Skaliczki
Péter Szabó
Miklós Oroszlány


Eszter Mihály
Bence Török
András Weiszkopf


Melinda Borsos
Dimitrijevic Tijana
János Dombóvári
Péter Kronavetter
Gergely Kukucska
Zsuzsa Kovács-Magyari
Zita Pelle
Boglárka Szentirmai


Katalin Alkér
Gabriella Antal
András Márk Bartha
István Gyulovics
Ágnes Jószai
Zsófia Kovács
Tamás László
Dávid Szabó
Zsófia Szántay
Tibor Tánczos

József Árva
András Báger
Veronika Borzsák
Csaba Brósz
Barna Csíki
László Francsics
Csaba Helmle
Ágnes Jószai
Losonczi Anna
Zsófia Paál
Orsolya Tatár-Gönczi
Péter Tóth
Piroska Varga

Ágnes Deigner
Katalin Fazekas
Gergely Kápolnás
Katalin Konczné Theisler
Gergely Radnai
Szabolcs Bence Török

Emese Balogh
Balázs Kemes
Flóra Kőszeghy
Dávid Török
Dániel Vermes
Ádám Vesztergom

Zsolt Alexa
Adrienn Bálint
Tamás Berecz
Ádám Békés
Péter Dajka
Zsófia Glatz
Anna Meditz
Gabriella Ottucsák
Donát Rabb
Ákos Schreck
Gergely Takács
János Vági
Tamás Vörös

Bálint Ásztai
Balázs Baranyai
Orsolya Belenta
Ildikó Bujdosó
Tamás Bulcsú
Balázs Falvai
Barna Láris
Zoltán Lepenye
Borbála Nagy
Gábor Siffel
Anna Szövényi
Tamás Szentirmai
Csaba Valkai

Tamás Abou-Abdou
Attila Batári
István Erdei
Gábor Fábián
Veronika Ágnes Hajas
András Kiss
Annamária Mohos
Beáta Polyák

Donna Alíz Della
Krisztián Dudics
Tamás Fenes
Márton Nagy
Gergely Sándor
Tibor Szabó
Rita Terbe

Sándor Jassó
Bálint Marosi
Tamás Niczki
Péter Rózsa
Henriett Szabó
Szabolcs Szentmáry
Veronika Tauer
Tamás Trummer
Miklós Vannay
Péter István Varga

Imre Csőre
Mariann Fonyódi
Szabolcs Helfrich
György Nagy
Ildikó Pém
Gábor Sajtos
Gábor Szelei

József Kolossa
Zoltán Kövér
Gábor Kruppa
Tamás Lévai
Levente Szabó
Judit Tótpál
Gábor Zombor

Győző Bujdosó
Artúr Fazekas
Barbara Nágel
Szabolcs Korodi
Titanilla Varga


Aurél Benárd
Zsolt Félix
Cicelle Gaul
Gábor Gilincsek
Péter Lukács
Benedek Sólyom
Árpád Szabó
Zsolt Vasáros
Péter Bach

Gábor Mátyás Csanády
János Csongrádi
Péter Fejérdy
György Hild
József Koszó
Tamás Attila Tarnóczky

István Bartók
Richárd Hőnich
Orsolya Kern
Péter Klobusovszki

Melinda Benkő
Ákos Juhász
József Laczka


Document library

ÉDI_M01 Application form
ÉDI_M02 Portfolio requirements
ÉDI_M03 Template psd
ÉDI_M03 Template pdf
ÉDI_M04 Electronic decision-making procedure
ÉDI_M05 Thesis guide
ÉDI_M06 Habilitation requirements
ÉDI_M06 MTA doctorate requirements
ÉDI_M07 Boards
ÉDI_M09 Admission requirements
ÉDI_M10 Affiliation protocol
ÉDI_M11 Master thesis requirements
ÉDI_K01 Course descriptions
ÉDI_K02 Scoring of publications
ÉDI_K03 Work plan sample for the training phase
ÉDI_K04 Work plan sample for the thesis phase
ÉDI_K05 Application for Comprehensive Examination


ÉDI_Training program
ÉDI_Quality assurance policy and procedure
ÉDI_Operational Regulations